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To: Joshua Hart

From: Kate Stevens

Re: Next Week's schedule


Dear Joshua,


Next week is going to be busy, and I need your help to plan it. First, I need to make sure that we schedule extra sales people for Friday. Then, I'd like you to set up an appointment for sales training. Make sure to ask everyone to RSVP so we can prepare the materials in advance.

Next, please arrange the weekly sales meeting. We need to compare our sales for next month to the goal we set. Make sure that you schedule it for a time that all sales people can attend.

I want you to pencil in a day and time for our annual sales review. You will have to determine which day will work the best, and expect changes. Sometimes finding the appropriate day takes a while in order to accomodate everyone. The executive personnel are often out of the office on business trips.

Lastly, send apologies to Mr. Levens for my inability to attend his meeting next week. If it is important that I be there, ask him if he can postpone it. If he schedules it for the same time on Thursday, instead of Friday, I'll be able to go.


Thank you,

Ms. Stevens





Secretary: Well, Mr. Druss can't make the weekly meeting

Manager: Hmm, I really need him to be there. Can we _________?

Secretary: I can go ahead _____ ______ it. I'll check with him to see when he's available.

Manager: That would be great. What ___ _______ do we have?

Secretary: Mr. Jackson ______ _______ a meeting as soon as possible

Manager: Okay. What does tomorrow ____________  ______?

Secretary: You're free from 11.30 until 12.00

Manager: Go ahead and __ ____ a 1.00 meeting and see if that will work for him


Mark the following statements as true (T) or false (F)

_____ The weekly meeting will be postponed

_____ The man canceled the appointment with Mr. Jackson

_____ The woman will not attend the monthly sales goals meeting



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